Posts tagged space
Choosing a Computer to Use with MainStage

Learn how to find the right computer to use with MainStage reliably- whether you're in the market for an upgrade or just getting started with Mac. There's a really wide range of Macs out there with various levels of memory, processors, hard drives and more!

We'll help you figure out what you need so you'll never have to worry about a crash.

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MainStage Tutorial: Add Chorus to Pianos, Pads, Leads

Hey friends, in this video you'll learn the basics of MainStage's built in "Chorus" audio effect so you can add this to a pad, piano, or anything else you can think of!

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MainStage Underscoring Layered Worship Keys Patches Demo - Sunday Keys Version 2

When I need a patch to play under a speaker, I grab one of these go-to patches…

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